XML Financial Group Blog

Investing in Tomorrow: Financial Literacy for the Next Generation

Written by XML Financial Group | Nov 12, 2024 4:00:00 PM

Financial literacy is frequently overlooked in traditional education, and parents and grandparents may be too busy to teach their children the necessary skills. Focusing on just a few strategies can help improve financial literacy and help set up the next generation for success.

Establishing a strong financial base, such as setting them up with a pre-paid debit card while young, encouraging them to find side jobs throughout high school, and helping them save and budget by opening a checking and savings account, are all strategies that will help set them up for future success.

For children and grandchildren in their 20s and 30s, it is essential to remind them to keep retirement in perspective. Not only will this help you as a parent or grandparent avoid funding their lives after college and protect your own savings, but it will allow them to begin to think about their futures and help them understand the importance of long-term goals. Given their lengthy investment horizon, they will benefit from understanding how to allocate assets toward stocks, real estate, and other growth-oriented investments. Including your children in regular meetings with a trusted wealth manager who can discuss growth-oriented investments where appropriate can help keep them on track and informed about their financial journey. 

Check out this article from Forbes that dives into this topic in even more detail.

Have questions about how these insights and ideas could impact your personalized wealth management strategy? Let’s talk.

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