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Market Commentary (15)

Foiling Fraudsters - January

January 19, 2022

WHAT DO WE DO? We are not trying to be difficult when we use passcodes, encrypted links, verbal verifications, and identity screening questions. We..

What You Need to Know About RMDs

January 11, 2022

Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) are an important part of retirement—not just from an income standpoint, but from a tax planning perspective as..

49% of Women Have Less Than $25,000 Saved for Retirement

January 4, 2022

One of the cornerstones of most long-term financial plans is the ability to live comfortably in retirement. Reaching your financial goals takes..

Things to Consider Before Joining the Great Resignation

December 28, 2021

In the last year, millions of Americans have quit their jobs—and many of those who have quit have no plans to return to the workplace. “The Great..

The Roth IRA Landscape is Changing. Here’s What You Should Know

December 21, 2021

Roth IRAs are a great way to set aside funds that can be used tax-free once you reach retirement. However, there are some key changes being made to..

5 Year-End Financial Moves to Trim Your Tax Bill

December 14, 2021

The end of the year is an ideal time to make money moves that can help reduce your tax liability when tax season rolls around. There are a number of..

Medicare Part B Premiums Are Going Up. What Does That Mean For You?

December 7, 2021

One of the biggest costs in retirement is healthcare, and unfortunately, it doesn’t look like that will be changing any time soon. The Centers for..

Are You at Risk of Being Audited?

November 30, 2021

Tax season can be a tense time of year. Even if you think you have properly covered all your bases from a tax standpoint, you may be unwittingly..

Don’t Believe This Common Myth About Retirement Income

November 23, 2021

There is a widespread misconception that retirees can enjoy a comfortable—albeit frugal—retirement with nothing more than their Social Security..

Why Some Assets Are Not Worth Leaving Behind

November 16, 2021

Your estate plan is all about building the ideal financial legacy to leave behind for your loved ones. Leaving an inheritance is a great way to build..

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