Webinar Recording | After the Dust Settles: Post-Election & Capital Markets Update

This year has been a tumultuous one for capital markets and the economy. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to lockdowns, a surge in unemployment, a market crash, and an economic downturn; to top it all off, it was an election year. The worst is hopefully behind us, but there are still a number of unknowns as we head into 2021 — and they could impact your investment portfolio and your financial strategy for the future.


On November 16th, Brad Pineault, CFA® at Fidelity Institutional Asset Management joined us for a discussion about the state of capital markets, the 2020 election, and more, including:

  • Why we expect a continued economic recovery
  • The good news (and not-so-good news) about COVID-19
  • What the post-election political landscape means for future financial support
  • Important portfolio considerations for managing risk and achieving your investment goals


Bradford Pineault, CFA®

Brad is a Vice President and Capital Markets Strategist at Fidelity Institutional Asset Management, Fidelity Investments’ distribution and client service organization where he works with Fidelity's Sales Professionals and their advisor clients. Brad also works with advisors to discuss certain sector strategies and to provide overall support on why sectors matter when it comes to building an investment portfolio. Brad is dedicated to meeting the needs of consultants and institutional investors, such as defined benefit and defined contribution plans, endowments, and financial advisors.

Rob Kantor

Rob is the Chief Investment Officer and co-founder of XML Financial Group. He oversees the firm’s investment advisory activity and is also head of the firm’s investment committee. Previously, he was Vice President and a Senior Financial Advisor at Merrill Lynch, where he specialized in custom retirement plan design. In addition, he also served on the Advisory Council to Management and was a founder of the Charitable Giving Committee.

Rob has a passion for helping to find the cure for Alzheimer’s and served on the Board of the National Capital Area Alzheimer’s Association. Even though Rob’s children are in college, he still gives back to the Bullis School in Potomac through their Shark Tank entrepreneur program.


*This webinar is for educational and informational purposes only. Content is not intended to be a recommendation or solicitation for the sale or investment in any product, strategy or service nor should it be perceived as individual advice.

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