What to Do When Retirement Arrives Earlier than You Planned


Your retirement plan is based on the assumption that you will be able to work until you’re ready to move on to the next chapter in your life. Unfortunately, as many Americans have learned in recent years, that decision may not be yours to make. In a January survey from Allianz, half of respondents said they retired earlier than expected; what’s more, 59% of those who retired early did so for reasons beyond their control, such as an unexpected job loss or health issues.1 And with unemployment soaring this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, those numbers are likely to rise in the near future.

So how can you adjust if your retirement arrives ahead of schedule? This article from Yahoo! Finance offers some tips: Click here to read.


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1 Allianz Life, Reality Check: Most Americans are Unprepared for When and How Retirement Will Happen. (Link)

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